Friday, March 20, 2015

Problems on Syllogism

Directions (Q. 1-32): In each question below there are three statements followed by four conclusions numbered, I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

1. Statements:
a. No Cloud is Bird.
b. Some Goats are Birds.
c. All Cars are Goats.
I. No Car is Cloud.
II. Some Cars are Birds.
III. No Bird is Car.
IV. Some Clouds are Goats.

1) Only III follows
2) Only either II or III follows
3) Only I follows
4) Only I and either II or III follow
5) None of these

2. Statements:
a. All Grapes are Bananas.
b. All Potatoes are Bananas.
c. Some Bananas are Mangoes.
I. No Grape is Mango.
II. Some Potatoes are not Mangoes.
III. Some Grapes are Potatoes.
IV. All Mangoes are Grapes.

1) Only I follows
2) Either I or III follows
3) Only II & III follow
4) Only I, II & III follow
5) None of these

3. Statements:
a. Some Cats are Rats.
b. Some Rats are Ants.
c. Some Ants are Flies.
I. Some Flies are Cats.
II. Some Flies are not Ants.
III. No Rat is Fly. IV.No Cat is Fly.
1) Only I & IV follow 2) Only II follows
3) Only I & III follow
4) Only I or IV follows
5) None of these

4. Statements:
a. All Chalks are Dusters
b. Some Chalks are Boards.
c. Some Dusters are Pens.
I. Some Pens are Chalks.
II. Some Dusters are Boards.
III. Some Pens are Boards.
IV. All Chalks are Pens.
1) Either I or IV follows 2)Only II & III follow
3) Either I or IV & II follow
4) Only II follows 5) None of these

5. Statements:
a. Some Bags are Books.
b. All Books are Boxes.
c. No Box is Board.
I. Some Bags are not Boards.
II. Some Bags are not Boxes.
III. All Bags are Boxes.
IV. No Bag is Board.
1) Only I follows
2) I & either II or III folk
3) Only IV follows
4) Only II follows
5) None of these

6. Statements:
Some streets are roads.
Some roads are lanes.
Some lanes are highways.
I. Some roads are not streets.
II. No highway is street.
III. Some streets are not roads.
IV. Some lanes are not roads.
1) Only III follows
2) Only IV and III follow
3) Either I or III follows
4) Both I and III follow
5) None of these

7. Statements:
Some pencils are pens.
All pens are erasers.
All staplers are erasers.
I. Some pens are not pencils.
II. All erasers are pencils.
III. Some staplers are pens.
IV. Some staplers are pencils.
1) Only I follows 2) Only II follows
3) Only III follows 4) Only IV follows
5) None of these

8. Statements:
Some tables are chairs.
No cupboard is table.
Some chairs are cupboards.
I. Some chairs are not tables.
II. All chairs are either tables or cupboard
III. Some chairs are both tables and cupboards.
IV. All chairs are tables.
1) Only I and IV follow
2) Only either II or III follow
3) Only IV follows
4) Either II or III & I follow
5) None of these

9. Statements:
All birds are animals.
Some animals are humans.
All humans are mammals.
I. Some humans are not birds.
II. Some birds are humans.
III. Some animals are not mammals.
IV. All animals are mammals.
1) Only I and II follow
2) Either III or IV follows
3) Either I or II follows
4) Either I or II and either III or IV follow
5) None of these

10. Statements:
Some leaves are fruits.
All branches are fruits.
Some roots are branches
I. Some roots are fruits.
II. Some branches are leaves.
III. No leaf is branch.
IV. Some leaves are roots.
1) Either II or III and I follow
2) Only I follows
3) Only either II or III follows
4) Only I and III follow
5) None of these

11. Statements:
All books are notes.
Some notes are pencils.
No pencil is paper.
I. Some notes are books.
II. Some pencils are books.
III. Some books are papers.
IV. No book is a paper.
1) Only I follows
2) Only I and either III or IV follow
3) Either III or IV follows
4) Only I and III follow
5) None of these

12. Statements:
Some cups are utensils.
No utensil is a bucket.
All buckets are plates.
I. Some cups are buckets.
II. Some utensils are plates.
III. No utensil is a plate.
IV. Some cups are plates.
1) Only I follows
2) Only III follows
3) Either II or III follows
4) Either III or IV follows
5) None of these

13. Statements:
Some keys are locks.
All locks are doors.
Some doors are windows.
I. Some locks are windows.
II. Some windows are keys.
III. Some windows are doors.
IV. No window is a lock.
1) Either I or IV follows
2) Only II follows
3) Only III and IV follow
4) None follows
5) None of these

14. Statements:
All pins are staplers.
Some staplers are sharpeners.
Some sharpeners are stands.
I. Some staplers are stands.
II. Some sharpeners are pins.
III. Some pins are stands.
IV. Some stands are sharpeners.
1) Only I and II follow
2) Only II and IV follow
3) Only III follows
4) Only IV follows
5) None of these

15. Statements:
Some oranges are apples.
All apples are guavas.
No guava is a banana.
I. Some guavas are oranges.
II. No apple is a banana.
III. Some oranges are bananas.
IV. Some apples are bananas.
1) Only I and II follow
2) Only I and either II or IV follow
3) Only I, II and IV follow
4) Only III and either II or IV follow
5) None of these

16. Statements:
Some spectacles are boxes.
No bat is a ball.
Some boxes are balls.
I. Some boxes are not bats.
II. Some bats are spectacles.
III. No bat is a box.
IV. No ball is a spectacle.
1) Only I follows
2) Only 1 & III follow
3) Only II and III follow
4) Only IV follows
5) None of these

17. Statements:
All fans are tubelights.
No pen is a bulb.
Some bulbs are fans.
I. Some pens are tubelights.
II. No pens are tubelights.
III. Some tubelights are fans.
IV. All tubelights are fans.
1) Only I and II follow
2) Only I, II and III follow
3) Either I or II and III follow
4) Only III and IV follow
5) None of these

18. Statements:
Some fruits are vegetables.
All liquids are drinks.
All drinks are fruits.
I. Some drinks are vegetables.
II. Some fruits are liquids.
III. All liquids are fruits.
IV. No liquids are vegetables.
1) Only I and II follow
2) Only II and III follow
3) Only III and IV follow
4) Only I, II & III follow
5) None of these

19. Statements:
All shirts are trousers.
Some socks are shoes.
All shoes are shirts.
I. Some socks are shirts.
II. Some socks are trousers.
III. All shoes are trousers.
IV. All shoes are socks.
1) Only I and II follow
2) Only I or II or III follows
3) Only II and IV follow
4) Only III and IV follow
5) None of these

20. Statements:
Some books are papers.
All plates are records.
Some records are books.
I. Some plates are books.
II. Some records are papers.
III. Some papers are plates.
IV. Some books are records.
1) Only I follows
2) Only II and III follow
3) Only I and III follow
4) Only IV follows
5) None of these

21. Statements:
Some ice are ring.
No ring is paint.
Some rings are gold.
I. No gold is paint.
II. No ice is gold.
III. Some rings are paints.
IV. All golds are rings.
1) Only I and III follow
2) Only I and II follow
3) Only III and IV follow
4) Only II and III follow
5) None of these

22. Statements:
All gates are flowers.
Some gates are fruits.
Some flowers are clips.
I. Some flowers are fruits.
II. Some clips are fruits.
III. Some clips are gates.
IV. No flower is fruit.
1) Only I follows
2) Only I and IV follow
3) Only II and IV follow
4) Only I and III follow
5) None of these

23. Statements:
No candle is bell.
Some shoes are bells.
All tables are shoes.
I. Some tables are bells.
II. No table is bell.
III. Some shoes are candles.
IV. No shoe is a candle.
1) Only I and IV follow
2) Only I and II follow
3) Only III and IV follow
4) Only II and IV follow
5) None of these

24. Statements:
Some films are clouds.
All rats are clouds.
Some clouds are chairs.
I. No film is chair.
II. Some rats are films.
III. Some clouds are rats.
IV. Some chairs are rats.
1) Only I and III follow
2) Either II or IV follows
3) No conclusion follows
4) Only IV follows
5) None of these

25. Statements:
Some cups are slates.
All slates are apples.
No apple is a car.
I. Some cars are slates.
II. Some cups are cars.
III. Some apples are cups.
IV. No car is a cup.
1) Only II follows              2) Only III follows
3) Only IV follows            4) Either II or IV & III follow
5) None of these

26. Statements:
All buds are bells.
Some buds are cakes.
Some bells are sponges.
I. Some cakes are sponges.
II. Some bells are buds.
III. Some sponges are not cakes.
IV. Some bells are not sponges.
1) Only either 1 or III and II follow
2) Only II and III follow
3) Only I and IV follow
4) Only either I or IV and II follow
5) None of these

27. Statements:
No machine is a fly.
Some flies are colours.
All colours are sweets.
I. Some machines are colours.
II. All sweets are colours.
III. Some sweets are flies.
IV. No sweet is a machine.
1) Only either II or IV and III follow
2) Only I and II follow
3) Only IV follows
4) Only III follows
5) None of these

28. Statements:
Some kings are cars.
Some cars are bottles.
No bottle is a lemon.
I. Some cars are lemons.
II. No king is a lemon.
III. Some kings are bottles.
IV. All cars are either kings or bottles.
1) Only I and II follow
2) Only either 1 or II and III follow
3) Only III or IV follows
4) Only IV follows
5) None of these

29. Statements:
Some goats are hammers.
All hammers are diamonds.
No diamond is green.
I. No goat is green.
II. Some diamonds are hammers.
III. Some goats are diamonds.
IV. Some greens are hammers.
1) Only I and IV follow
2) Only II and IV follow
3) Only II and III follow
4) Only either II or III and I follow
5) None of these

30. Statements:
Some cars are mopeds.
Some mopeds are hills.
All pencils are mopeds.
I. All pencils are hills.
II. Some pencils are cars.
III. Some cars are hills.
IV. Some pencils are not cars.
1) Only I follows
2) Only either II or IV follows
3) Only I or III follows
4) Only I and IV follow
5) None of these

31. Statement:
Some pages are papers.
Some papers are magazines.
All magazines are books.
I. Some books are magazines.
II. Some books are papers.
III. Some magazines are pages.
IV. Some pages are magazines.
1) All follow
2) Only I and III follow
3) Only II and IV follow
4) Only I and IV follow
5) None of these

32. Statements:
All windows are doors.
No door is a lock.
Some locks are keys.
I. Some locks are doors.
II. Some locks are not doors.
III. Some keys are not doors.
IV. All doors are windows.
1) All follow
2) Only either I or II follows
3) Only either I or II and III follow
4) None follows
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 33-37): In each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer

1) If only conclusion 1 follows.
2) If only conclusion II follows.
3) If either 1 or II follows.
4) If neither I nor II follows.
5) If both I and II follow.

33. Statements:
All leaders are good team workers.
All good team workers are good orators.
I. Some good team workers are leaders.
II. All good orators are leaders.

34. Statements:
All terrorists are human.
All humans are bad.
I. All terrorists are bad.
II. No human can be a terrorist.

35. Statements:
Some teachers are followers.
Some followers are famous.
I. Some teachers are famous.
II. Some followers are teachers.

36. Statements:
Ship was overturned.
Captain was not traced.
I. Captain died in the accident.
II. Captain is alive.

37. Statements:
Some dedicated souls are angels.
All social workers are angels.
I. Some dedicated souls are social workers.
II. Some social workers are dedicated souls.

  1. 2
  2. 5
  3. 5
  4. 4
  5. 2
  6. 5
  7. 5
  8. 5
  9. 4
  10. 1
  11. 2
  12. 3
  13. 5
  14. 4
  15. 1
  16. 1
  17. 3
  18. 2
  19. 5
  20. 4
  21. 5
  22. 1
  23. 5
  24. 5
  25. 4
  26. 1
  27. 4
  28. 5
  29. 3
  30. 2
  31. 5
  32. 5
  33. 1
  34. 1
  35. 2
  36. 3
  37. 4
If Doubt In any Question, Please ask :)

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